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ActionPacked! Network Power Unleashed.ActionPacked! LiveAction NetFlow
Intelligent situational awareness and control for your network


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Advanced End-to-End Network Flow Visualizations and Monitoring

LiveAction is the only tool that provides real-time, end-to-end flow visualization across your network incorporating visual analytics. Clicking on a flow highlights its entire path hop-by-hop. You can also examine historical views to see and analyze flows at any date and time in the past.

Starting with a network topology view that provides a unique end-to-end flow visualization of live traffic and situational awareness across the network, LiveAction enables users to quickly drill down to individual devices or interfaces for more detail on flow characteristics such as IP addresses, DSCP values, byte rates and count.

LiveAction incorporates Cisco NetFlow (flexible netflow) Juniper J-Flow, InMon sFlow, and IPFIX. In addition, conventional SNMP is used. All combined, this enables LiveAction to automatically discover devices on your network and create deep and intuitive network maps.


Topology-based, end-to-end flow visualization.

Topology-based, end-to-end flow visualization.


Individual flows can be color-coded by port, DSCP, IP address, byte count, byte rate, or custom filter colors.

Individual flows can be color-coded by port, DSCP, IP address, byte count, byte rate, or custom filter colors.

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